  • info@megatron-int.com



Current Tobacco Legislation in South Africa can be summarized as follows. The Tobacco Products Control Act, Act 83 of 1993 as amended by Act 12 of 1999, bans advertising, sponsorship and smoking in public places and work places except under specific conditions. It enforces restrictions on vending machines whilst providing for normal yields of constituents. It further goes on to bank single stick sales, free distribution and reward and makes provisions for fines.

Regulations, 2 December 1994 prescribes health warnings on packs as-well as packaging and labeling requirements. Regulations, 29 September 2000 dictates tar and nicotine levels, point of sale exposure and also covers sponsorship and advertising together with smoking in public places.

The Tobacco Products Control Amendment Act 2007, was singed in the president of the Republic in February 2008 and specifies new and amended definitions, smoking in public places, standards for manufacturing and export of tobacco products, The Minister’s of Health’s power to regulate, tobacco product exemptions and offences and penalties.

Underage Smoking

South African Law prohibits selling cigarettes to customers under 18 years of age. We actively promote this by constantly updating and reminding our customers to operate within the law.

Illegal trading

To report any suspicious trading in illegal or counterfeit cigarettes’ please call the SARS FRAUD and ANTI-CORRUPTION HOTLINE on 0800 00 28 70